Holidays In Italy

Just like any other country, Italy has many country specific holidays.  Many of their holidays I have never heard of before living in Italy, but they sure know how to celebrate them!

La Epifania

January 6th


This holiday, originating from the three wise men who offer God the gift of gold, is a feast of ‘La Befana’.  La Befana is a fictional women that flies around on a broom bringing presents to the children of Italy.  Many cities in Italy celebrate by organizing parades and festivals during the celebration of the Epifania.

La Pasqua



Easter is one of the most widely celebrated holidays throughout Italy.  Many Italians celebrate with friends and family on this day with a long lunch.  ‘Il Colombo’ cake is a typical treat of the Easter celebration.  One of my favorite celebrations of Easter in Italy is the Scoppio del Carro in the city of Florence.  Many gather in Piazza del Duomo to experience the explosion of the cart and then the parade following the explosion.

Il Ferragosto

August 15th


Il Ferragosto comes from the word ‘feria’ meaning holiday and ‘agosto’ meaning August.  Il Ferragosto is celebrated mostly by going to the beach and occasionally in the mountains.  Because the entire population flocks to the beach, most shops close down for ‘le ferie’.

The Feast of St. Ambrose

Milan, Italy


Milan’s parton saint St. Ambrose is celebrated on December 7th.  This holiday includes a special church service at the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio.  Additionally, the Oh Bej Oh Bej street market takes place which includes many different vendors that line the streets to participate in the street market.  This is definitely a celebration you want attend during your visit to Milan.

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